Копирайтър в рекламна агенция Медия Дизайн. Вдъхновява се от всичко, което излиза извън рамките на общоприетите и обикновени неща. И както е казал Уилям Бернбах... „Никой не брои колко реклами си направил, а помни впечатлението, което си оставил.“
Channel letters from stainless steel – perfect image advertising for any business. Illuminated advertisement from stainless steel is one great solution for administrative building, banks, hotels, restaurants, stores and shops, others.. For it’s attractive outside look and strength..
In continuation of our policy for “open doors”, we welcomed another young shift class for an opened lesson at Media Design. Our desire to give guidance to younger schoolers for their dreams and aspirations best reflected in our last meeting.
Peter Yankov is the owner and chef of a restaurant “Petrus”, located in Sofia. Just over a year ago, the restaurant opened for customers, so that every visitor can enjoy his original recipes.
We continue to introduce our clients at the channel MediaTV News. You will see the interview with the famous music producer and DJ Manuel De La Mare.
In the pilot video of Media TV News we will meet you with Marin Kalnev, owner of Aqua Systems (one of the irrigation systems leaders in Bulgaria).
In addition to being elegant and suitable for any interior, ‘sandwich’ channel letters are extremely practical. They can be easily installed, even by non-specialists, without any difficulties.