AXAT Nuts are popular for their high-quality nuts and dried fruits. Their rich assortment makes the company one of the most recognizable companies in the field. They trusted Media Design Advertising Agency for branding their company car.

Branding with advertising graphics and full color printing

We branded the company car of AXAT Nuts with advertising graphics and full-color printing, trusting again the American leader – 3M for the material’s choice. The graphic images are done with 3M digital printing vinyl, specially designed for non-illuminated advertisements.

Partial wrapping is a good way for your brand to stand out. This effect occurs when, in addition to contact information, your car is wrapped with a thematic image for your business. Soon after that it becomes your trademark.

Why should I brand my company car?

Car branding is the safest and most reliable way to create 24-hour advertising for your business, which not only returns your initial investment but also saves you additional costs in promoting your business.

Client:  AXAT Nuts

Date:  August 2019

Warranty: 3 years

Location: Plovdiv