Lilly Drogerie is a well-known and preferred brand of cosmetics stores in Bulgaria. With a diverse assortment of products and favorable offers, the chain strives to provide its customers with the best service and quality.

We made an Etalbond double-sided sign with a three-dimensional logo for the store located at 16 Graf Ignatiev Street in Sofia. It serves as a pointer that directs the attention of passing pedestrians and signals the location of the object.

A console sign with the Lilly Drogerie logo attracts customers

Lilly Drogerie’s new double-sided console sign is crafted with extreme attention to detail. The base of the sign is made of the composite material Etalbond, and on the both sides are mounted channel letters with the logo of the store. The sign is mounted on a metal structure on one of the columns, ensuring maximum visibility and recognition.

The logo is made as aluminum channel letters, which are characterized by an elegant look, strength and durability. The illuminated channel letters create an impressive visual effect that draws eyes from afar. The modern design and quality materials guarantee the durability and sustainability of the advertisement.

Client: Lilly Drogerie

Date: October 2023

Warranty: 3 years

City: Sofia

How does this sign help?

This advertising sign brings many benefits to Lilly Drogerie such as increased visibility, brand image emphasis, attracting new customers, positive user experience. The sign is mounted so that it is easily visible even from a long distance, which increases the chances that more people will recognize and visit the cosmetic store. It creates a memorable visual impression and reinforces the positioning of the brand as modern and dynamic. Placing this complementary element of branding the site generates a positive first impression on customers, which contributes to building brand loyalty.

With its new console sign, Lilly Drogerie not only improved its visual identity, but also took another step towards achieving its business goals.