British Council Bulgaria is a global organization for cultural relations with more than 80 years of history and offices around the world. The organization offers not only language learning opportunities but also a rich program of events such as film nights, literary readings, lectures by British experts, and creative workshops. It’s a great way to explore British culture and meet people with similar interests. The British Council also provides consultation and support for students wishing to continue their education in the UK, offering information on universities, scholarships, and the application process.

The Media Design team created a prominent outdoor advertisement for the new British Council learning center, located in Building 1 of Business Park Sofia. The illuminated sign we installed on the facade, above the entrance of the center, completed its overall advertising vision and highlighted the prestige of the renowned organization.

Client: British Council

Date: August 2024 

Warranty: 3 years

City: Sofia

A sign with embossed letters emphasizes the brand

For branding the British Council office, we designed and produced an illuminated sign with a plexiglass face. The aluminum profiles are painted white and blend with the white face to highlight the dark blue logo of the learning center. The learning center logo is produced as embossed letters. We created an interesting effect for the sign – only the face is illuminated, not the letters. This way, even at night, the silhouette of the logo is highlighted by the surrounding bright light. We used high-quality LED modules, which cover the sign with a full 3-year warranty. As a result, we got an illuminated advertisement with a clean and elegant look, which is also durable enough to adorn the British Council building for a long time.