Aqua Spa Hotel Zlatograd offers a magical combination between relaxing spa procedures and direct connection with nature. The hotel has everything you would need to enjoy your vacation in the best possible way.
At the entrance, you will be greeted by a luxuriously illuminated sign made by Media Design Advertising Agency.
Warning sign with a clear message
For Aqua Hotel Zlatograd we also created a warning sign indicating potential danger. Foldable and portable, it is light and convenient to place in the necessary places.
The embedded Plexiglas letters stand out clearly and are in two languages - Bulgarian and English. The image is bright red to make sure that the message will be understood by everyone.
Why are the warning signs and signs important?
Wet floors are a danger to your visitors, customers, and even to yourself. In addition to physical injuries and unpleasant injuries, litigation can also occur, which can deal a severe blow to your business. A large number of accidents at work are reported annually, which could have been prevented by taking timely measures for general security.